In the book Cat in the Hat, the Cat in the hat plays as the id, but if you think about it the cat in the hat also plays as the superego. The cat wants the two kids to have fun but while at he is causing trouble in the house which here come the fish. The fish is the character that says he does not want the cat in the hat to be at their house. The fish plays as superego. Why because he is doing a god the not wanting a stranger to be in the house but at the same at time he is mainly thinking about himself even though it makes him look like he wants to be the protective one. The two kids are mainly neutral so you can just say they are superego as well. IN the beginning they wanted to play but it was raining, therefore they both could go outside and play. While at the same time that's when the cat in the hat came out of nowhere and the two kids let him in without asking who he is or where he is from. In my opinion all the character in the story are superego. They all have a good and bad intension. The cat in the hat good intension was to make the kids have fun but his bad thing was making a lot of mess and causing trouble without thinking. The two kids in the beginning didn't know what to do and just let the cat in the hat do whatever while near to the end that's when the kids decided it needs to end when they have finally came to a realization. While the fish was trying to get the stranger; the cat in the hat out of the house, but mainly thinking about himself because he knew for a fact that he was only a fish. The mother as well didn't play much of a role but can say she is superego too. She left the kids to a fish to babysit them, how smart is that? And then when she return she asked them how was there day, obnoxious right? But then again it could be she knew they could take care of themselves so she entrusted them to watch the house while she was gone and that’s a good thing that she is being thoughtful. As I said all the character is superego they have a good and bad thinking system.
I am how I am, you are how you are.
Everyone should be accepted by who they are and by not of what they are.
We all are our own unique individual, and no one can take that away from us.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Persepolis Blog#2
The author's voice is quite appealing because she put her voice into Marji mouth. Marji is basically her other half, which I find that pretty amusing. In this case I find the author appealing. What I find similar about Marji is her attitude. Her attitude is similar to mine.
She is saying that how much time has changed from little time. How much the world can just change from such a simple years. Her family suppose to represent of her and change her from young to old. Her family resembles her changes. It's like a time line, seeing her change from one year to another.
Indeed Marji has grown from squirt to mature.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The kids were still trying to look hip even under risk, they still dressed under the code but wear the hip clothes. They wear around area that can be not be shown or shown a little. I would probably try the same thing, but no. I wouldn’t want to take that risk, so instead I wouldn’t try to look hip. They refuse to take off their hippish clothing’s or accessories, and attacks the teachers. She is a young girl living with her mother and father trying to survive through the war.
The book

The feed contains almost anything a person can ever think of. The feed is our link to everyone. Our feed is our net, our life, it's our everything. The feed defines our Americans society in the future. Technology will get out of hand and will turn humans into androids... Feed is consumerism; feed will make us consume life. It's a bad thing to consume too much but at the same time it's not so bad. One Consuming is part of nature, and two consuming is what will kill society. This technology can impact of traditions of some culture and may give different perspective. The feed too could perhaps change the way of the traditions. The feed does not define me at all; instead it defines the world of technology. The moral to the story could be that we humans or fellow Americans should abuse the technology that has been made. The technology will in the end consume us and take over man kind as speaking. People are something regardless of having the feed or not having it. The feed does not define who we humans are. The feed is what is going to turn us into. Titus doesn't seem to care all about the feed as much anymore...He just ends up messing with it. And when it says "Everything must go...” It means, forgetting everything, letting all that has past go. That's what it means, "Everything must go".
Monday, May 4, 2009
In all these picture below represents how the future can be like. The theme I would categorize this would probably fall under Future Tech. /Consumerism. Why, In the near future the world advances and is it possible that the future would look like the pictures I posted or will they look different. The food and animal and everything we do are considering consumerism. Caged animal is consumerism; ironically yes I think it is. Because we use animal for entertainment and that would fall as consuming, anything that is used is consuming. What I'm trying to say is what kind of a future do we humans want to see. Everyone's ideal future is a Utopia, but I don't see that. Can we humans advance technology and turn it into a good use. In my lifetime I too like to know how the near future is going to turn out like too. I'm sure everyone looks forward for the future in some point of their life. I chose these images to make people see and realize what kind of a world they want to live in. And if they want to live in that world can they turn this world into their kind of ideal world. Is advancing technology is considered and the future or is not. What made me come to theses way of thinking is the environmental I live in, and those who I grew up around with. Seeing people change and go everywhere or even sometimes get lost makes me think how do they want to live their world. Do they even think about the future? My message is just trying to get us human beings think whether would or how or even where we would like this so called Utopia to be like. So many people says and but never do it. Will we turn our future into how it looks like in the picture?

Is the new future like this?

Is this going to be a portal area, in the future?

Is this what we consume everyday....

Caged animals for entertainment?

Is this Utopias peace sign?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Why would Violet's father study dead languages. Well as Violet herself said she had her feed late when she was about six or seven years old. After knowing that she had her feed late, it could perhaps mean that her family or her father prefers the old ways as in the past; traditional way. Violet herself writes with pencil, papers, and is not very used to the feed, meaning they prefer the old styles. Her father perhaps liked history and wanted to teach that in the present future so later, the society could at least know how to write and read.
The feed is described as knowing what you need before you do is this what the feed is really doing? Well technically yes, the feed is basically doing all the mind thinking and suggesting for our minds. The feed thinks for us, and prepares all information for us when we need it. The feed is basically our mind. This is what the feed is doing taking control and suggesting what is needed for us in their opinion.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
In this story called Feed, it's quite an interesting story how its taken place in the near future. All of the characters are quite unique themselves. Why did the author gave his characters those kind of name. Well it's quite simple if you were to think about it; those types of names aren't quite common at all. And also those names are more likely to appear only for fictional characters as in games or RPG (role playing games) type of story. It's quite remarkable to think that such characters have such names that really suites for the future. Those names are uncommon in our present world.
This novel is categorized as science fiction. If you wondered why, well it's because it's based on the future and having to revolve a lot on technology. Technology is science and that is why it's categorized as science fiction, other than that, this novel is science fiction based itself. The world they live in is full of science and advanced technology, and has to do a lot with electronics. The story is so far in the future that it becomes advanced in everything that includes with science basically they are like in a cyber world.
The girls have to change their hair frequently because the styles change. In this novel Feed, their world is very advance that every time they upgrade something new the girls or whoever has to change their style to the latest one they have now or they'll be considered outdated. I find this quite interesting as well, always having to keep updates with their latest trends and everything. That is no different from our time now, example like the latest iPod nano comes out and everyone goes after the new one even though they had just recently bought the latest one. Isn't the world of technology ironic?
This novel Feed is really attractive if you actually sit and read carefully. It's hard to understand at first but it'll come along smoothly after the first couple of chapters. Feed is based all on the future, the author must have really thought about the future a lot to have written this novel to catch people’s thoughts. The author creates a unique story about in the near future all the technology advances and we no longer need to do anything by hands but instead we have a chip in our brain and help us as our resource. Basically we are digitally programmed right when we were born. If this were to happen in the future it'll be quite interesting yet awkward.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Consumerism, how do we define it, how do you define it, how do I define it myself. It takes knowledge and effort to be an informed and responsible consumer, I agree with this statement. Why do I agree upon this statement, simple, in order to be a successful consumer you have to think smart. Knowledge wise, yes, it takes knowledge and effort to pull things off. In this case being a consumer it does take effort and knowledge to become a good consumer. Everyone is a consumer in reality. Consumption is something that goes with life, basically its life cycle. Technology is what we humans consume and we are what technology consumes. The logical reason for being said is that we humans use technology and use it for granted, in return the technology end up consuming us beings. We have no self control therefore afterwards, it's because we're too into the advancements of technology that it had us consumed. People take advantage of technology, in example of media, it expose personal life. If we are smart consumer we would put technology to a good use. In fact we do put it in good use, but at some point it's being abused. This goes back to me saying technology consumes us human. We get addicted to it; soon we'll become desperate and rely on nothing but technology. This is a huge affect on the economy. In order to pull everything off, you have to be smart. Just put effort and knowledge in play and good consumerism we become. Technology is not all that bad of a play; you just need to put it in the right position of the play. In my opinion I think technology is a brilliant idea, you just need to use it in a good way not in a bad consumption way. Technology indeed is irresistible to us human beings. It's because we rely on it too much and if we rely on it too much it does us no good. In return we beings become weak, useless not much to do, because we relied on technology too much. That's why we should think smart and be wise upon our choices being consumers.