In the book Cat in the Hat, the Cat in the hat plays as the id, but if you think about it the cat in the hat also plays as the superego. The cat wants the two kids to have fun but while at he is causing trouble in the house which here come the fish. The fish is the character that says he does not want the cat in the hat to be at their house. The fish plays as superego. Why because he is doing a god the not wanting a stranger to be in the house but at the same at time he is mainly thinking about himself even though it makes him look like he wants to be the protective one. The two kids are mainly neutral so you can just say they are superego as well. IN the beginning they wanted to play but it was raining, therefore they both could go outside and play. While at the same time that's when the cat in the hat came out of nowhere and the two kids let him in without asking who he is or where he is from. In my opinion all the character in the story are superego. They all have a good and bad intension. The cat in the hat good intension was to make the kids have fun but his bad thing was making a lot of mess and causing trouble without thinking. The two kids in the beginning didn't know what to do and just let the cat in the hat do whatever while near to the end that's when the kids decided it needs to end when they have finally came to a realization. While the fish was trying to get the stranger; the cat in the hat out of the house, but mainly thinking about himself because he knew for a fact that he was only a fish. The mother as well didn't play much of a role but can say she is superego too. She left the kids to a fish to babysit them, how smart is that? And then when she return she asked them how was there day, obnoxious right? But then again it could be she knew they could take care of themselves so she entrusted them to watch the house while she was gone and that’s a good thing that she is being thoughtful. As I said all the character is superego they have a good and bad thinking system.
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