I am how I am, you are how you are.
Everyone should be accepted by who they are and by not of what they are.
We all are our own unique individual, and no one can take that away from us.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Persepolis Blog#2
The author's voice is quite appealing because she put her voice into Marji mouth. Marji is basically her other half, which I find that pretty amusing. In this case I find the author appealing. What I find similar about Marji is her attitude. Her attitude is similar to mine.
She is saying that how much time has changed from little time. How much the world can just change from such a simple years. Her family suppose to represent of her and change her from young to old. Her family resembles her changes. It's like a time line, seeing her change from one year to another.
Indeed Marji has grown from squirt to mature.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The kids were still trying to look hip even under risk, they still dressed under the code but wear the hip clothes. They wear around area that can be not be shown or shown a little. I would probably try the same thing, but no. I wouldn’t want to take that risk, so instead I wouldn’t try to look hip. They refuse to take off their hippish clothing’s or accessories, and attacks the teachers. She is a young girl living with her mother and father trying to survive through the war.
The book

The feed contains almost anything a person can ever think of. The feed is our link to everyone. Our feed is our net, our life, it's our everything. The feed defines our Americans society in the future. Technology will get out of hand and will turn humans into androids... Feed is consumerism; feed will make us consume life. It's a bad thing to consume too much but at the same time it's not so bad. One Consuming is part of nature, and two consuming is what will kill society. This technology can impact of traditions of some culture and may give different perspective. The feed too could perhaps change the way of the traditions. The feed does not define me at all; instead it defines the world of technology. The moral to the story could be that we humans or fellow Americans should abuse the technology that has been made. The technology will in the end consume us and take over man kind as speaking. People are something regardless of having the feed or not having it. The feed does not define who we humans are. The feed is what is going to turn us into. Titus doesn't seem to care all about the feed as much anymore...He just ends up messing with it. And when it says "Everything must go...” It means, forgetting everything, letting all that has past go. That's what it means, "Everything must go".
Monday, May 4, 2009
In all these picture below represents how the future can be like. The theme I would categorize this would probably fall under Future Tech. /Consumerism. Why, In the near future the world advances and is it possible that the future would look like the pictures I posted or will they look different. The food and animal and everything we do are considering consumerism. Caged animal is consumerism; ironically yes I think it is. Because we use animal for entertainment and that would fall as consuming, anything that is used is consuming. What I'm trying to say is what kind of a future do we humans want to see. Everyone's ideal future is a Utopia, but I don't see that. Can we humans advance technology and turn it into a good use. In my lifetime I too like to know how the near future is going to turn out like too. I'm sure everyone looks forward for the future in some point of their life. I chose these images to make people see and realize what kind of a world they want to live in. And if they want to live in that world can they turn this world into their kind of ideal world. Is advancing technology is considered and the future or is not. What made me come to theses way of thinking is the environmental I live in, and those who I grew up around with. Seeing people change and go everywhere or even sometimes get lost makes me think how do they want to live their world. Do they even think about the future? My message is just trying to get us human beings think whether would or how or even where we would like this so called Utopia to be like. So many people says and but never do it. Will we turn our future into how it looks like in the picture?

Is the new future like this?

Is this going to be a portal area, in the future?

Is this what we consume everyday....

Caged animals for entertainment?

Is this Utopias peace sign?